Firestarters 🔥

Early this morning, I heard the Lord tell me, I’m creating a generation of Firestarters!
Fire starters create things, disrupt things and/or start things. They are the people who change the world, start movements and businesses, and innovate when others are content. They inspire others to be better, seek out situations where their impact can be maximized.
I believe God is sounding His alarm throughout the world to those who are willing to slip out of their complacency and begin creating new things for Him. He is calling forth disrupters who will start movements, innovate and inspire others to step into divine purposes igniting fires wherever they go.
Fire starters are the new generation of Esthers, Joshuas, Davids and Deborahs to declare the truth that will result in repentance, deeper intimacy and divine positioning. Fire starters are those who ignite, breathe upon and fan the flames of revival, restoration, transformation and advancement of the kingdom of God.
Sisters and brothers you are being summoned to become a fire starter. Answer the call, for victory is yours, breakthroughs are on the horizon for a whole generation and generations to come! Now is the time to release the fire that is within you. God is ready for you to release your greatest! So time to fan your flame because it’s time for the greatest wildfire to be released!
It’s time to fan the flame of His Spirit invested in you. To blow fresh wind on the passion growing dim within oneself. See when the fire is within you and I – the stormy winds cannot put it out. The waves of conflict or controversy will not overtake it. Trials will only make it hotter. Fearless faith rises from the ashes of burned pride as God makes beauty from them just as He promised. Our confidence becomes our conviction. Impossibilities will be the fields where faith is planted confidently and boldly knowing miracles will come up through our discipline and obedience. Jesus came to start a fire in us producing a light so bright it burns away darkness all around us.
Are you ready to set this world a blaze?
How can you spark a blaze in the lives of others so they will lead lives set on fire for God?