Adjust Your Focus, Change Your Perspective!
What are you focusing on today? Are you focusing on your situation, or on God’s promises? You may have all kinds of problems coming at you. Maybe you’re feeling discouraged as new problems and challenges have popped up in your life. I have an iPhone and there is a new setting that allows you to take pictures in portrait mode. This feature allows you to focus on the object of interest and somewhat blur the other surrounding areas. When someone asks what they should do to ensure the power of God continues to work in their lives for unending peace and prosperity, I give them a simple answer: focus your mind on the Lord the same way you focus your camera lens on an object to get a clear image. When your mind (thoughts, emotions, and attention) is focused on God’s Word, you’re guaranteed to always walk in peace and prosperity. Your mind is a powerful tool given to you by God for transforming your life from glory to glory. If you’d give the right attention to the word of God, it doesn’t matter the storms that come against you, you’ll be at rest because the Lord Himself keeps you in “perfect peace.”
The Hebrew word for “peace” in Isaiah 26:3 is “shalom,” which describes the “rest” of God, wherein is prosperity, health, strength, and salvation. This means that you can be as prosperous, successful and healthy as you want to be if you yield your mind to God’s Word. But if we lose our focus, we are susceptible to the darkness. If you’re currently walking in spiritual darkness, I encourage you to shift your focus.
Focus your eyes on Jesus and His glory. The Word of God is your secret to a miraculous and supernatural life. So keep your focus on God’s Word and divine peace and prosperity will be your continuous experience. Don’t let it get you down. Don’t let it take your focus off of God.

Prayer for Today
Jesus, thank You for bringing light into my spiritual darkness. I confess that sometimes I focus on the things of this world rather than setting my sights on You. Help me to shift my focus. I want to look upon Your glory and have it transform me. In Your name I pray, Amen.