Independence Day! 🇺🇸

What do you need to free yourself from?…
When it comes to freedom, we often associate the term with work or things that bring us stress. We fail to realize that freedom is associated with our spiritual well-being and our ability to surrender to God and obey his plan for our lives. The Word of God stands true and leaves us with instructions on how exactly Jesus set us free through his life, sacrifice, death, and resurrection.
As we celebrate another 4th of July, I would like you to pause and consider this.
What’s getting in the way of you engaging more regularly with joy?
A negative mindset?
An unproductive habit?
A self-limiting belief?
Is there something that you need to free yourself from so you can experience more or deeper happiness?
As for me, I’ve been working on my belief that a jam-packed schedule is the only way to demonstrate productivity and value. Instead, I am leaning into the power of breaks, the value of rest and play, and the importance of letting go of the guilt that makes me think that I need to “make up” that time on the next day. How am I doing this? Glad you asked! I have made the commitment to fully reclaimed back my Fridays! That’s right no meeting Fridays unless they are critical! It has been so liberating to say the least….
You should try it. And if it’s not Friday’s how can you maximize the time you have? How can you use your time more wisely on things that bring an upside curve on your mouth?
What can you let go to lighten your shoulders and engage in more smiles?
That’s how you make this “independence day” count!
Let Freedom Ring!