Hello, MaximizHER!
The purpose of the Hello, MaximizHER blog is simple, I believe that women accomplish amazing things when we support each other. And when a woman helps another woman, they both benefit. And when women celebrate one another’s accomplishments, we’re all lifted up. My passion is service and my gift to the world is words of affirmation. Allow this blog to serve as your dose of positive affirmations to help you maximize your potential and realize your God-given purpose. We only have one life to live, so why not maximize- it!
, La
I’m with HER. 🇺🇸 Kamala Harris is not just the right choice, she is the only choice for President of the United States. She is a fierce and determined leader who has dedicated her entire career to fighting for justice and equality for all Americans. As the first woman of color to be nominated for […]
Lazy Career Feedback!
BEWARE of feedback like this!☠️ All of this may be true, but as feedback it’s useless. Executive presence is 100% learnable If you know me, you know I can’t stand feedback like, ‘You need better executive presence”. It’s vague. It’s lazy. And it doesn’t provide you with actionable steps to getting better. So many women […]
What’s Holding You Back❓
What are your biggest dreams? Think of the impossible things you’d like to see come into your life—and dream big. Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Start by writing down your goals and then use these questions to make your dreams come true faster. 1. What’s your highest priority in this lifetime? What’s most […]
Last Time That I Checc’d
Last Time That I Checc’d. I have been told in so many ways that if I’m not an executive by 50 it’s not going to happen. Well maybe that’s true in this realm, current employment situation or even market but in my best Nipsey Hussle voice, “last time that I checc’d” there were no “best […]